Enticed by double-digit market growth in 2012 and 2013,many industrial automation suppliers without an MV drive offering(Danfoss,Regal Beloit,General Electric and Schneider)acquired smaller MV drive suppliers such as Vacon,Benshaw,Converteam and LD Harvest,in the process providing additional scale,capital,sales channels and more comprehensive solutions to customers.
Edelstahl Pyrolyse Backofen Bosch HBG73B550
Bosch Gefrierschrank GSN 36A33
Bosch Wärmepumpentrockner WTW 86560, Eff.Kl. *A* 7KG,
Bosch PIB675M24E Induktionskochstelle 60cm Edelstahl Ko
Bosch DWK09E851 Wandesse schräg Edelstahl 90cm
Bosch DWK09E852 Wandesse schräg Edelstahl 90cm
BOSCH PIB675M24E Glaskeramik, autark, &OVP, 60 cm