For years ABB has cultivated its capability to serve major projects as the Main Automation Contractor.”,said ARC Senior Analyst Harry Forbes.“The electric power,motor,and drive capabilities across ABB Group augment its process automation expertise,making the firm an attractive choice when capital projects require large or complex electric power systems,especially offshore and sub-sea systems.”
“多年来,ABB不断增强其作为主自动化承包商服务重大项目的能力。”ARC高级分析师Harry Forbes说道,“ABB集团的电力、电机及驱动实力增强了其过程自动化专业技术,这就使得那些需要大型或复杂的电力系统,尤其是海上和海底系统的资本项目,ABB无疑是一个颇具吸引力的选择。”
SIMATIC S5 6ES5 441-4UA14 6ES5441-4UA14
Pilz PNOZV 30S Sicherheitsschaltgerät ID:474790
Sick WL24-B430 WL24B430
Sick Optic Reflexions Lichttaster WT24-B4201 WT24B4
Hengstler RI 58-0/1 Drehgeber 0 552 483
Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5 512-5BC12 6ES5512-5BC12
Klöckner Moeller EBE 252 Output
Mitsubishi FREQROL-A044 FR-A044-0.7K-ER FRA04407KE
Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5 521-8MA21 6ES5521-8MA21 E:1
PILZ PNOZ XV2 Ident.Nr. 774504