ASCO rocker isolation valves can be used in virtually any type of analytical instrument to control neutral and highly corrosive liquids.It combines a special rocker mechanism for easy flushing with an isolating diaphragm that prevents heat transfer to expensive IVD reagents,eliminating the possibility of valve seat sticking and clogging.The gas-tight isolation of the control mechanism can block particulate contamination caused by friction of moving parts,ensuring high purity of liquid samples
ESI 231C
Tektronix VM700 Video Test Set w
Watson PS2-CB-2 Dual Position Payoff Wire Drawing .
Anritsu MG3670B Modulation Signal Generator w
Noise/Com Model UFX-BER 892/1850 Precision CN Generator
Agilent J1421A SpectralBER Clock Source
Hankison HPRP0.75CU Compressed Air Dryer
HP 4277A LCZ Meter
HP 70621A 2.9 GHz Preamplifier Module
DLS Test Works DLS400 ADSL Wireline Simulator
Ebara / Varian 323-0014 Cryocompressor 2.1
LeCroy LC574A 1 FGz DSO w
HP 4191A RF Impedance Analyzer
TTC Interceptor 1402S Communication Analyser