It is reported that the 2022 World Robot Conference has been supported by 23 international institutions.The forum is held in the form of online and offline integration,domestic and overseas interaction,and more than 300 heavyweight guests from 15 countries and regions have been invited to gather and share together.The cutting-edge academic achievements and development trends in the field of robotics stimulate the imagination of the future intelligent society.
Kuka Robot Servo Motor A1 A2 A3 KR150 69-225-463
Fanuc Board A20B-0009-0530 A20B00090530
Fanuc Servo Amp A06B-6066-H224 A06B6066H224
Mitsubishi MV70E X Axis Way Cover MHIA CK604201
Yaskawa Varispeed 15hp drive CIMR-PRC45P5 CIMRPR45P5