The logic voltage interference tolerance of DCS work is low,and the distribution interference of the logic ground potential easily affects the logic operation and data storage of the DCS,resulting in data confusion,program runaway or crash.The distribution of the analog ground potential will lead to a decrease in the measurement accuracy,causing serious distortion and malfunction of the signal measurement and control.
OKI Printserver OKILAN 7200e 10/100 Mbit
Legrand Steuertrafo Prim: 230/400 Sec. 115V 40VA
Legrand Steuertrafo Prim: 230/400 Sec. 115V 40VA ES
10 Stk. Braun Mini Energy Cell CTS1 Gaskartusche
10 Stk. TEAPO Elko Kondensator 220µf 400Volt 85° 36,5x
5 Stk. Braun Energy Cell CT 1 CT 2 Gaskartusche