According to the study,optimism among industry executives for the potential of the Industrial Internet is striking.Eighty percent believe the IIoT will or could be transformational to their companies and industries.Even more consider digital industrial transformation to be important to their competitiveness.At the same time,only 8 percent of those executives say digital transformation is ingrained in their businesses,and 10 percent do not have a digital transformation plan in place.
Toyoko TX-450E & sierra 830L-2-OV1-E-V4
Toyoko TX450E & Sierra 830-L-2-SX-E-SO
Syntron 07-304707 rev. A card
HV# Mitsubishi Melsec A2SHCPU
Motorola MVME 147-022 01-W3347-13A
Sciex QPS RF Amplifier 020350 H