As global manufacturing comes under even more pressure to cut costs,shorten supply cycles and operate across global environments,production sites around the world strive to improve productivity.Increased use of labor-saving robots is one of the solutions.By adding the robotics technology of Adept to its current offering,Omron will be very well positioned to provide manufacturers in the automotive,digital device,food and beverage,packaging,and other industries with solutions to these challenges,as well as engineering support.
178cm Einbau Kühl-Gefrier-Komnination BOSCH KIN32A50
BOSCH Kompakt Einbau Backofen Edelstahl HBC33B550
Bosch Kühlschrank,Shell Zapfsäule,Coca-Cola,50er J.
BOSCH Schsteuerung Typ E81..DYD E8126DYD
Bosch Servodyn SM 10/20-TC1 065668-105 (Nr.17)
Bosch PIE775N14E Induktionskochfeld autark dekorlos Gla
Bosch Panel Display Trumpf BTT-S06-T 1070086499-101
Bosch Servodyn Controller SM 10/20-TC 060840-204