The same is to be expected for the cloud computing industry.Large investments in terms of data storage will be needed,but strong price pressure is expected,and an overall low value will be attributed to the physical data.Actually,the war on price has already begun between the major cloud computing companies,which are cutting data storage prices while growing their capabilities.
DWK06E852 – Bosch Dunstabzugshaube DWK06E852
Bosch Einbau-Dampfgarer HMT85DL53
Gefrierschrank Bosch GSN36A32
Backofen Set Siemens Einbau-Backherd+Bosch Ceranfeld Gl
Bosch DWA06E850 Edelstahl Glas-Design Wandesse 60 cm
NKN775T14D – Bosch Kochfeld NKN775T14D
Bosch HBD 1055 Herdset Einbauherdset HBD1055 HBA20B250