The same is to be expected for the cloud computing industry.Large investments in terms of data storage will be needed,but strong price pressure is expected,and an overall low value will be attributed to the physical data.Actually,the war on price has already begun between the major cloud computing companies,which are cutting data storage prices while growing their capabilities.
SICK WL18-2P135
ifm ecomat 200 DA0116 DA 0116
Siemens SITOP Power AS-I 6EP1 354-1AL01 6EP135421AL01
PILZ PKB-M/30A/350-415VAC PKBM/30A/350-415VAC
Siemens Simatic S7 6ES7 153-2AA02-0XB0 6ES7153-2AA02-0
Siemens Sentron 3WL9111-0AT21-0AA0 3WL9 1110AT21 0AA0
Siemens Simatic S7 6ES7 141-3BH00-0XA0 6ES7141-3BH00-
Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5 300-3AB11 6ES5300-3AB11 E: 8