By 2040,it’s expected that 54%of new vehicle sales will be electric vehicles,according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.Batteries currently represent a third of the cost of an EV.As battery costs continue to fall,demand for EVs will rise,with up to 40 million new EV batteries needed annually to power new vehicles.
SMC High Vacuum Valve XLA-16G-F9
Moeller VS3(24VDC) VS3 NIB
Danfloss 042N7551 Solenoid Valve NIB
Omron C500-ID213 Input Unit IN BOX
Siemens Simatic S5 memory submodule 6ES5 375-1LA41
SMC Rotary Cylinder CDRA1BW30
Rexroth R900953093 000003
Berger Lahr 9345
Schunk Gehause MSE 40 5500167 NIB