Robot installations in the United States continued to increase to a new peak in 2017 – for the seventh year in a row – and reached 33,192 units. This is 6 percent higher than in 2016. Since 2010, the driver of the growth in all manufacturing industries in the U.S. has been the ongoing trend to automate production in order to strengthen the U.S. industries in both domestic and global markets.
2017年,美国市场的机器人安装量连续第七年创新高——达到33,192台。这比2016年高出6 %。自2010年以来,美国所有制造业增长的驱动力一直是自动化生产趋势,以加强美国在国内和全球市场的产业。
SMC Cylinder CDQ2B32-F6526 NIB
Festo ADVUL-25-130-PA
Keyence FU-1831(1200) NIB
Keyence FU-1428 NIB
Keyence EM-038
SMC Mist Seperator NAM300
Omron TL-W3MB1 NIB
SMC VQ1401N-5-Q
Omron Photoelectric Switch E32-D24 2m
Efector IFA2002-ABOW/SL LS-100AK NIB
Star Linear Bushing 0668-030-00
Allen Bradley 700-N400A1
Brodersen Control Systems UNIC XM