According to data released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,among the top 100 digital platforms in the world,while the United States is still far ahead,the Asia-Pacific region(mainly China)also has 45 platforms.As the commercial application of digital technology continues to expand to more industries,and more and more emerging countries join the competition for knowledge monopoly,the global industrial chain is shaping a new pattern.
SEW MM22C-503-00/0/BW2/P22A/R02A/A Movomot
SEW MOVITRAC 3004-403-1-00 SachNr. 8256357 6,6 kVA
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SEW Eurodrive Movitrac MCF40A0030-5A3-4-00 3,0kW
SEW Eurodrive Movitrac 1115-403-4-00 Antriebsumrichter
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