“This is great news for the industry.Both organizations have been advancing the IIoT,fog and edge computing,and their members represent the best and the brightest in their fields.It makes sense to merge their expertise and work streams to continue providing the IIoT,fog and edge guidance that the industry needs,”said Christian Renaud,Research Vice President,Internet of Things,451 Research.
“这对业界来说是个好消息。两个组织都在推进IIoT、雾和边缘计算,他们的成员代表了各自领域中最优秀和最聪明的人。整合他们的专业知识和工作流程以继续提供行业所需的IIoT、雾和边缘指导是有意义的。”451 Research物联网研究副总裁Christian Renaud说道。
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