As the only company in China that has achieved mass production of automotive-grade automotive smart chips,the Horizon Vehicle Chip Journey series has shipped more than 1 million pieces.So far,more than 70 models have been appointed for the front-loading.For the field of robotics,Horizon hopes to provide a development platform for robots,not only chips,but also a complete hardware and software system.Based on chip capabilities,combined with the advantages of Horizon software,algorithms,and especially deep learning,it provides developers with a full range of development guarantees.
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Cutler Hammer CONI3 W/DR IMPACC Unit __I46
Cutler Hammer 511H119441 Eaton Brake Assy 440v
Eaton Cutler Hammer FDB3110LA02 Series C Industrial Circuit Breaker Motor 110
Cutler Hammer Circuit Breaker JDB3125WA13S10 JDB3125