The development of industrial robots is closely related to policy support.After the”Made in China 2025″put forward the goal of intelligent manufacturing,my country has issued a series of supporting policies such as the”14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Robot Industry”,which clearly pointed out the strengthening of core technology research.Focus on national strategies and industrial development needs,and make breakthroughs in common technologies such as robot system development and operating systems.Grasp the development trend of robotics,and develop cutting-edge technologies such as bionic perception and cognition,and biomechanical integration.Promote the integration and application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence,5G,big data,and cloud computing,improve the level of robot intelligence and networking,strengthen functional safety,network security,and data security,and promote the development of industrial machines and related industries.
Fanuc Servo Amp A06B-6079-H301 A06B6079H301
Hardinge Indexer control C0000267
ABB Robot Wrist 3HAB4325-1 In Excellent Condition
Mitsubishi Drive MR-S1-100-E01 MRS1100E01 RF01C
Atlas Copco Tensor DS Drive Tensor-DS4 in Box