Taking the precision reducer as an example,the precision reducer,which is regarded as the pinnacle of precision manufacturing,has extremely high barriers to entry.It is the largest part of the cost of industrial robots in my country,about 30%,which is higher than that of servo systems and controllers..Such a cost ratio is not unrelated to the degree of domestic substitution.
Honeywell CRS 301 color sensor micro switch
Fanuc Brake Rel Unit A05B-2351-C214 A05B2351C214
Woodworth 10″ Chuck UBL-10000 B-7643 Series A 8623115
Teel Oil Pump 4RC46 1102 1.25 inches NIB
Fanuc Backplane A20B-2000-0720/02A A20B20000720/02A
Mitsubishi Board MC442A-1