For component manufacturers,the opportunities brought by new energy are not only robots,but also CNC machine tools.At present,my country’s machine tool industry is also in the renewal cycle,and it has made breakthroughs in high-end products such as CNC machine tools,and the demand for components such as precision reducers is also increasing.
Teel Oil Pump 4RC46 1102 1.25 inches NIB
Fanuc Backplane A20B-2000-0720/02A A20B20000720/02A
Mitsubishi Board MC442A-1
Kuka Precision Way Standard KU015000-U01-$010 Set of 2
Telemecanique Inductel Fipio XGK-S130421 XGKS130421
GE Fanuc 44A723622-001R04/5 36A363504AAIAM Ver 3.6