“A strong recovery of the international robotics markets is currently in progress:Worldwide installations of industrial robots in 2021 even exceed the record year 2018,”said Milton Guerry,president of the International Federation of Robotics(IFR).“In North America,first quarter order volumes for both units and revenue were at all-time highs.Across industries,the post-COVID crisis boom creates double-digit growth over the same quarter of last year.”
“目前,国际机器人市场正在强劲复苏中。2021年全球工业机器人的安装量甚至超过了2018年的记录,”国际机器人联合会(IFR)主席Milton Guerry说。”在北美,第一季度的出货量和订单量都达到了历史最高水平。在各行业中,疫情危机后的繁荣创造了比去年同季度两位数的增长。”
Delta tau PMAC2-PC 602404-106 with PMAC CPU 602705-107
Omron NS12-TS00B operator interface terminal
Elscint 7180-110 ACQ ACQ-7180 card
Themis 858-4169-02 MOD. 110MHz SYSRSET 5/64-8-110 V3.0
& KSIC 102467 & TECH-SOURCE GXTRA/2 19-0062-02
Zygo interferometer 6191-0584-01 69.96mm