The world of industry will not be able to meet in Hannover this year.Comprehensive travel restrictions,bans on group gatherings and a prohibition decree in the Hannover region make it impossible to stage HANNOVER MESSE.At the same time,the corona crisis is affecting the economy,and the manufacturing industry–HANNOVER MESSE’s core clientele–is already struggling with serious consequences of the pandemic.Demand and sales in German industry are declining,resulting in supply bottlenecks,production stops and reduced working hours for employees.
Parker daedal stage 4″ x 4″ M4955-04-L
Vexta AC servo driver KBLD 180-A KBLD180-A
Vexta brushless DC motor driver BLD180A-MK
Olympus NeoSPlan100NIC NeoSplan 100x NIC 0.90 ∞/0 f=180
MOOG MOD. J661-709A Servovalve
ICT teradyne 4550007H-H SICE 020006U-C