We welcome the trusted systems expertise that TIoTA brings to IIC,”said IIC Executive Director Richard Soley.“Since IIC began in 2014,the use cases for distributed ledger technology have grown exponentially.The combined organization will offer a single stop for IoT industry guidance and a larger ecosystem for end users looking to improve their bottom line with IoT and DLT.This will enable the Consortium to become the center of gravity for the future of Industrial IoT systems across industry verticals.”
工业互联网联盟执行董事Richard Soley表示:“我们欢迎可信物联网联盟带给工业互联网联盟可信系统的专业知识。自2014年工业互联网联盟成立以来,分布式账本技术的应用呈指数级增长。合并后的组织将为物联网行业指南提供一站式服务,并为希望通过物联网和DLT改善利润的最终用户提供更大的生态系统。这将使联盟成为行业垂直行业未来工业物联网系统的重心。”
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