Sustainability goals more and more are a crucial driver of business value and company reputation,and Industrial IoT solutions are playing an increasingly important role in helping enterprises achieve safe,smart and sustainable operations,”said Peter Terwiesch,President of ABB’s Process Automation business area.“Unlocking insights hidden in operational data holds the key to enabling literally billions of better decisions throughout industry and acting upon them,with significant gains in productivity,reduced energy consumption and lower environmental impact.”
ABB集团过程自动化事业部总裁Peter Terwiesch表示:“可持续发展目标日益成为企业商业价值和公司声誉的关键驱动力,工业物联网解决方案在帮助企业实现安全、智能和可持续运营方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。发掘隐藏在运营数据中的洞见,是在整个行业中真正实现海量更优决策的关键,据此采取行动,从而显著提高生产率,减少能源消耗,降低环境影响。”